Whitworth Volleyball

Whitworth Volleyball

Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday CrossFit Challenge #5

Hi Girls!

This week's CrossFit Challenge will be "Lumberjack 20":
Run 400 meters/20 Push-Ups
Run 400 meters/20 Burpees
Run 400 meters/20 Tuck Jumps
Run 400 meters/20 Elevated Push-Ups
Run 400 meters/20 Walking Lunges
Run 400 meters/20 Scissor Jumps
Run 400 meters/20 Mountain Climbers

My apologies for posting late. Thanks to Maddye for texting me a reminder! I got caught up with my daughter, father, and other family who are visiting us in Washington...a rarity! I hope all of you are getting to enjoy family and friends as well.

Remember.....Keep The Main Thing, The Main Thing,

Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday CrossFit Challenge #4

Happy Friday Girls!

Are any of you wondering why I don't send these out on Thursday evenings? I certainly am! 

Here is your CrossFit Challenge for today:
*My inspirational message will follow:) It will be on adversity and commitment.

Today's Challenge is WOD #1:
Sprint 100 meters, 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups and 10 air squats...3 rounds of that for time.
Have a great workout!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday CrossFit Challenge #3

Wow Girls!

Can you believe that we're one-fourth of the way through our summer already?!  I hope the workouts are going well.  For those of you who've asked, I am working on getting links attached to our blog for some of the warm-up exercises.  Please post here or contact me with any questions you may have. 

This week, I'm deciding to keep it short and sweet. I'll leave you with the CrossFit Challenge and a quote.

There are two types of pain in this world: the pain of discipline and the pain of disappointment.  If you experience the pain of discipline, you won't have to experience the pain of disappointment. - Nick Saban

This week's CrossFit Challenge is WOD #3 on your workout sheets: The Countdown

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 - burpees, push-ups and sit-ups

Do 10 burpees, 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups, then 9 burpees, 9 push-ups and 9 sit-ups, then 8 of each, then 7  of each...you get the idea.  This one is for time. 

Have a great workout and weekend girls!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Do You Recognize The Opened and Closed Doors In Your Life?

Happy Friday Girls!

"When I open a door, no one can close it. And when I close a door, no one can open it. Listen to what I say." Revelation 3:7b (CEV)

My wonderful wife recently shared this scripture with me as I have been letting old demons creep up on me, feeling a little more than inadequate, and spending my time (little at that) "doing religion" vs. hearing God's voice, and seeking Him first each day.  Do you remember our words we chose in the fall?  Mine was and still is RENEW.  

So many times I look around me, and I admire those who are doing more, have more, are happier or seem to be having their dreams fulfilled.  It causes me to forget about the doors that God has opened in my life.  If I just bulldoze forward, stay focused and work harder, everything will go according to my plan.  

My goal is to always be the best version of myself, rather than let others define my success.  I forget to be thankful for the doors God's opened, as well as the ones He's closed. Even when I have the best intentions, His plan is always better. You may be asking, "What the heck is Panch writing this for?"  Well, I came to Whitworth Volleyball after a rough, a near two year struggle with coaching, teaching, who I am, people I thought were wronging me, forgiveness, bitterness...basically a door God was closing at that time, which would lead me to coaching with Kati and all of you girls...a blessing and opened door.  I was letting the world define what the best version of me was, rather than letting God work in my life, so He could help me to chisel away some of the old me to make a better me. In short, you all have been a blessing to me, and today and every day I'm thankful that I'm your coach.  Each of you inspire me greatly when I look at the hard work you've put in to be great people, students and conference champions.  You've all come far, and I can't wait to see how much further you'll come during next season.

Here's what you've really been waiting for...Friday's CrossFit Challenge. 

"The 7": 7 rounds of 7 wall ball shots, 7 push-ups and 7 burpees for time.  

Wishing you a great weekend and workout!

Monday, June 1, 2015

First CrossFit Friday Challenge!

Hi Girls!

The first week of summer workouts are behind you....onto week two!  I've been thinking about our team a lot this past week.  I always wonder how each of you are doing personally.  That is, are you getting some time to enjoy yourselves this summer, or do you have some memorable plans to look forward to?  And...of course I wonder how each of you are doing physically with the workouts.  Are they demanding too much of your time?

There is a saying I love that may pertain to both enjoying yourselves this summer, as well as feeling pride in the training we are doing together, even though we're apart from each other.  You probably have heard it.  It goes like this, "I'd rather regret the things that I have done than the things that I have not done."  I hope you all are finding time to refresh, enjoy family and friends, as well as get swole!  Is that a word!?

Our Friday CrossFit Challenge was "Annie", which has become a staple of our summer workouts.  I did single unders instead of double unders, but I doubled the amount asked on each set, and did the prescribed amount of sit-ups...still nursing my knee a bit.  My time was 11:31.  That's a minute slower than last summer!!!  How did each of you do?

Please take time to let me know how the workouts are going, as well as contact me with any questions.  You can do that by text, email or on our blog.

A Hui Hou,
Coach Pancho