Whitworth Volleyball

Whitworth Volleyball

Friday, July 4, 2014

CrossFit Friday Challenge - Second Round!

Happy 4th of July Pirate Volleyball Team!

Can you believe we have just finished up the second round of our off-season lifting and conditioning program?!  Mid-August is right around the corner, and you are on the downhill side of our training, which according to the comments I've read, sounds like everyone is making great gains. 

You've all inspired me through your posts about One Word, as well as your comments about gaining strength and endurance this summer.  I'm excited to get back together with everyone and working towards a Northwest Conference Championship.

Today's WOD is Annie! This was the first WOD of the summer we did back on May 23rd.  So look at your time to see if you can beat it.  Here it is:

ANNIE - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 repetitions

50 double-unders/50 sit-ups
40 double-unders/40 sit-ups
30 double-unders/30 sit-ups
20 double-unders/20 sit-ups
10 double-unders/10 sit-ups

This workout is for time.  Post your new time, and tell us all how much you beat it by.

Have an awesome 4th of July weekend girls!
Win The Day!


  1. Happy 4th of July :) this morning I got 9:54 for time. At first I was still really struggling with the double unders, especially cause I wasn't able to do them last crossfit. But, by the end I was doing them and getting consecutive ones. My time was a little longer than expected due to my double unders but was an improvement from last time. Last post I did not have an account so I didn't post but my time was 11:48 because I really struggled with the double unders then. It's good to know improvement has been made and I am going to keep practicing those! I hope everyone has a great 4th and I'm getting excited for season with all of you :)

  2. Happy 4th everyone! This was my first Annie because I couldn't get my hands on a jumprope the first time we did it, and my time was 11:26. I got really frustrated with the double unders because I've never done them before, but hopefully they'll get easier with practice.

  3. My time for Annie today is 9:30. My first time for Annie was 12:14 I believe. So...I eclipsed my last time! I have to give thanks to Otis and Ty, two youngsters who spent their 4th of July doing the workout with me and pushed me...thanks guys! It's amazing how much better one can be with a community of support around them. I had those two guys battle it out with me. I hope you are all that community to one another. Have a great 4th girls! Finish strong this summer....we're almost there.

  4. Hello all! Last time I did the Annie I got 9:14. This time I got 8:02, which is a nice improvement. My double unders are still pretty inconsistent. Sometimes I can string together a good amount of reps, but other times I can barely do a couple in a row. I definitely still have a lot of room for improvement! I hope that you all had a fun 4th of July :)

  5. Sorry for the late post but I was gone for the fourth! Hope everyone had a good one! I just did Annie and got a 4:36 this time, which is a slight improvement from my 5:40 time last time! Keep up the hard work everyone, I see everyone is improving so keep it up! Miss you all and see you soon!

  6. Hi everyone!! I was unable to do this workout friday because I was hanging out with family, so I did it today. I really struggled with the double unders. I could barely do two in a row. I got through them all but it took quite a while because I kept having to start over. My time was 16:46. I'm not sure if this was an improvement or not because I was unable to post last time we did this workout.
    I'm really excited to see you all soon!!

  7. Hi everyone! I got 5:20 on the crossfit. I struggled with the double unders unfortunately but it was still a good workout!
    I also chose my word... The word that came to me was "purpose." I want to be able to think through every though, word, and action and know the purpose behind it. With this in mind, I feel like I will be more productive and accomplish more meaningful things if I have the right purpose in mind.

  8. Hello! My time for the Fourth of July workout was 8:38! Sorry I took so long to post this, I was at the lake this weekend so my workout got postponed until this morning. Keep it up bucs!

  9. I forgot my jumprope when I went to my cabin for the weekend, so I did my workout when I got home today. My time was 7:56. A big improvement from my last time which was 11:16. Double Unders are finally coming back to me :)
    Keep working hard ladies!

  10. Hi guys! My time for this workout, this time is 9:17 and last time it was 10:14 so I improved about a minute! You all are so quick ;) Keep it up everyone!

  11. Okay so my time for this was 11:53. I am really struggling with the double unders. Any advice on how to get continuous reps? I can't seem to get them in a row!

  12. I did better!! I did it in 5:20 this time!! This is the first time I can see results for the summer! Super excited you guys!!! Keep it up
