Whitworth Volleyball

Whitworth Volleyball

Friday, July 24, 2015

The Countdown

Hello Team!

There is a saying that goes like this, "Never delay gratitude." I am not sure where I heard that; although, the voice of my grandma Pancho rings in my ears a little. I find myself continually thinking about this saying throughout the day.  God, I believe, continues to put this on my heart.

Coming to grips with the fact that I may not be communicating my thankfulness (one of our  team's 5 pillars by the way) as much as I should be, I have a challenge for all of you. You can count me in as a participant as well. The challenge is simple. Every day this week, let someone know why you're thankful for them. This doesn't have to be a family member or friend, but could be. However, I challenge you to give thanks to someone you may not even know...a bagger at a grocery store, someone in the military serving our country, note on a napkin to a waiter or waitress...you get the idea.  You never know the power your words of gratitude may have in a person's life, but it might just change their day or life, and yours will be as well.  Be creative! That's my challenge.

Our CrossFit Challenge this week is "The Countdown": 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 - burpees, push-ups and sit-ups. We did this one earlier in the summer (week 3 or 4). You can look back at your time to challenge yourself.

Almost there girls! Finish the race! Everyone and anyone can start. Not just anyone can finish. I'm confident all of you can and will!



  1. My time was 7:01 which was very close to last time we did this challenge. I really like this challenge regarding thankfulness. It has been a focus of mine these last few weeks as well with events in the community and just appreciating everyone in our lives and how lucky we are, thankful for all of you! :)

  2. My time was 5:01. Faster than my first time.
    I'd like to start my week of thankfulness saying I'm thankful for Whitworth volleyball. I'm thankful to have teammates that I can trust, who work hard, and are passionate about the game. I'm thankful for coaches that make playing fun and push their team to be better people and players.
    I wanted to share this because I came out of my first college having a lack of trust in my teammates and coaches. Last summer I was nervous about transferring and didn't know if it would get better with a new school. Whitworth volleyball has completely flipped it around and I have grown a lot as a person and player. So thank you guys :) I appreciate you all and can't wait to see you in August.

  3. My time for this challenge was 5:27
    I like this challenge a lot Pancho! Like Morgan said, I have been trying to focus on this more as well over the last few weeks so I'm really going to push myself to continue! Can't wait to see everyone soon. :)

  4. My time for this challenge was 5:46.
    What a great focus for the week! Thanks for the inspiration Coach Jamie :)

  5. My time is 7:03!!
    I've been doing a lot of praying randomly throughout the day and that has in turn made me more thankful. So if you are looking for another a way to be thankful, you can also just continually pray to God throughout the day :) I am so thankful for this volleyball team!

  6. My time was 7:28!
    The pushups slowed me down a bit, but I have been getting better at them.
    I am so sorry that I haven't been posting my times, I have made a bad habit of looking up the workout and then forgetting to go back and post my time. So I am making a goal of posting my times the rest of the summer. I am so excited to see all of you and cant wait for season!

  7. My time was 7:08.
    I am super sunburned so this was definitely a struggle, especially the sit ups.
    Thanks for the inspiration Panch! My New Years resolution has been to find something to be thankful for every day. Definitely thankful to have the opportunity to work out and have teammates to push me and keep me accountable.. Even being miles apart:)

  8. My time was 4:47! Sit-ups were harder than I thought they would be but felt good to change it up from the burpees and push-ups! Keep it up girls!

  9. Sorry I haven't been very good lately about posting my times. I've been working volleyball camps pretty much every day the last 2 weeks so it's been hard to find time to do the workouts, but I'm starting to get caught up.

    Coaching beginning volleyball players has really allowed me to gain a lot deeper of an understanding of volleyball and an appreciation for just how difficult the game is(I know we make it look pretty easy). I'm so thankful for my campers because they have taught me so much about the game that I didn't realize I didn't know. I love telling my girls that I started right where they did and am now playing in college. It's pretty awesome to think how much of an impact you can make on young players as a coach. I'm trying to give my campers the best Coach Chloe I can so they can learn to love the sport like I do :)

    Anyway, I got 5:06 for the countdown today which was a couple seconds faster than last time

  10. My time for this weeks crossfit was 6:10! A slight improvement from last time :)

  11. My time was 6:36 for The Countdown this time, which is 1:36 faster than last time. Getting better! I enjoy reading all of your comments on thankfulness. Chloe, I can empathize with you on coaching. You girls have stretched me in that area, and you have helped me to grow. I'm thankful for each of you, God's presence (even when I'm not present...if you know what I mean), and the ability to workout each day.

    I was inspired by a paralyzed man in Las Vegas this past week...very thankful for him. He was riding a bike while laying down, pedaling with his arms and MOVING FAST!!! I thought, THAT'S COOL!!! That guy could be doing nothing, but he's doing more than most by not putting boundaries around his life and finding a passion. So Cool!!! Brenna, you are right...just praying to God brings praise. It's the simple things...isn't it?

  12. I am so thankful for all of you! I love the enthusiasm that you bring every day and I am thankful that I have such an awesome team to work with!
