Whitworth Volleyball

Whitworth Volleyball

Friday, July 25, 2014

"Lumberjack 20" - CrossFit Friday Challenge!

It's Friday....Oh My Goodness!

Good Morning Girls...I was sitting at my kitchen table relaxing, thanking God it's Friday, sunny, and thinking about what I will do today when I realized..."Hey! I forgot to post this week's CrossFit Challenge."  I will keep it short this week team in terms of words so we can get going.

This week's WOD is called The Lumberjack 20:

Run 400 meters/20 push-ups
Run 400 meters/20 elevated push-ups (feet on bench, chair or box)
Run 400 meters/20 sit-ups
Run 400 meters/20 walking lunges (each step counts as one, so 10 each leg)
Run 400 meters/20 burpees
Run 400 meters/20 scissor jumps using alternating leg action
Run 400 meters/20 double-unders

We did this workout back on June 13th.  Take a look at what your time was, and then try to beat it this time.  I love this one!

We're almost there girls!  Don't forget how we started our summer.  Other teams, players may be letting up. We're after something bigger this season. Our spring and summer will define our fall season. So....

Corinthians 1:24 - Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win.

Have a great workout and an awesome weekend! Win The Day!
Coach Pancho

Friday, July 18, 2014

CrossFit Friday Challenge #9 - "Kelly"

Aloha Friday Team!

I've completely lost track of my days after working back-to-back VB camps. I thought it was Thursday today...until I realized it was FRIDAY! My apologies for the late post.

Today's WOD is "Kelly":
Four rounds of time:
400 m run
30 24" box jumps or bench jumps
30 wall ball shots; 15 pound med ball

We did this workout back in June I believe. Modifications for wall ball shots are posted there I think, but if you need help let me know.

This is week 9 girls! Can you believe it?! Only 3 weeks left to complete our off-season program. You are on the downhill side, and I hopefully are feeling great! You guys are going to be all buffed out when I see you in August. Have an awesome weekend girls!

Coach Pancho

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Crossfit Friday Challenge -WOD #2

Happy Friday Everyone!

I will keep my post short this week. I hear you all cheering....none of that!

Your WOD for this Friday is a repeat of a workout you did before. It is:

WOD #2
5 push-ups
10 sit-ups (shoulder blades should hit the floor and no swinging arms)
15 air squats (go parallel to the ground)

AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 10 minutes. You did this back in May, so get after it, set a goal, and beat your rounds for last time.

OK...that's enough from me. Finish the race girls! We're almost there.

Win The Day!
Coach Pancho

Friday, July 4, 2014

CrossFit Friday Challenge - Second Round!

Happy 4th of July Pirate Volleyball Team!

Can you believe we have just finished up the second round of our off-season lifting and conditioning program?!  Mid-August is right around the corner, and you are on the downhill side of our training, which according to the comments I've read, sounds like everyone is making great gains. 

You've all inspired me through your posts about One Word, as well as your comments about gaining strength and endurance this summer.  I'm excited to get back together with everyone and working towards a Northwest Conference Championship.

Today's WOD is Annie! This was the first WOD of the summer we did back on May 23rd.  So look at your time to see if you can beat it.  Here it is:

ANNIE - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 repetitions

50 double-unders/50 sit-ups
40 double-unders/40 sit-ups
30 double-unders/30 sit-ups
20 double-unders/20 sit-ups
10 double-unders/10 sit-ups

This workout is for time.  Post your new time, and tell us all how much you beat it by.

Have an awesome 4th of July weekend girls!
Win The Day!