Whitworth Volleyball

Whitworth Volleyball

Friday, June 6, 2014

"Kelly" - Friday CrossFit Challenge WOD

Good Morning and Happy Friday!

For those of your returners, you may remember "Kelly" from last summer.  This, for me, was one of the toughest WODs we did; however, I felt so accomplished when I completed this WOD. You will need a 15 pound medicine ball and a 24" box for this one, as well as some running room. If you don't have a 15 pound medicine ball, you can use any poundage of one, or do push presses with dumbbells, or air squats with a jump at the end. You will need the medicine ball to do wall ball shots.  If you do not have a 24" box on hand, just use a bench or something comparable to jump on.  Finally, here is the workout!

Four Rounds:
Run 400 meters
30 box jumps 24" box
30 wall ball shots 15 pound medicine ball

Maybe it's just you working out alone today or with a friend.  Either way, each of you are strengthening yourselves to become better people and players.  I look forward to seeing all of your times posted.  I'm not so interested in seeing who got the best time, but rather, I'm inspired by you girls simply because you took time out of your day to challenge and push yourselves through your workouts. And...you're really not alone because you have a group of teammates challenging themselves as well.

Proverbs 24:10
If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small (ESV).

I know we have a TOUGH team, that pushes themselves through adversity, TOGETHER.  We're going to get better today!  I'm looking forward to being right alongside you all today in doing and completing this workout!

Win The Day!
Coach Pancho


  1. Good morning guys! My time for this one was 20:31. A bit longer than I would've liked, but it really does feel great being able to say that I completed it start to finish. Can't wait to see you all in August!

  2. Good morning everyone! My time for this challenge was 16:47. Just getting done with track season makes for an easier adjustment coming into these workouts but still very challenging and rewarding once completed! Can't wait to meet everyone soon!

  3. Hi everyone! This one was really hard but it feels great to finish such a tough crossfit! My time was 21:43.

  4. HOLY COW that workout was hard! My time was 19:44 for this one. Great work guys :)

  5. Sorry girls...I forgot to enter my time. It was 22:45. Boy it felt great to push through this one. Way to challenge yourselves. Keep up the great work, and have an awesome week!

  6. Hello everyone! This was a tough crossfit!! I ran the 400s on a treadmill and got 15:25. I will definitely try to run it on a track next time!

  7. Hi everyone! I'm so happy to be in touch with you all again:) I definitely tried to post this yesterday and apparently it didn't go through! But I ran it inside as well in a gym and I got 13:19. Such a tough one, but everyone did a great job! Nice work friends :)
