Whitworth Volleyball

Whitworth Volleyball

Friday, June 14, 2013

WOD #2 Crossfit Challenge

Aloha Friday Whitworth Volleyball Team!
Today's workout is called "Kelly"... It is named after crossfit legend and original crossfitter Kelly Moore.
I liked this workout because it was geared towards many of the goals I saw from our Whitworth Volleyball team; agility, quickness, vertical jump...added in a little endurance and power. Have a great workout today girls! Remember, this one is for time. "I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is victory over self." - Aristotle...loved this quote because it truly puts you in the mode to compete. 

"Kelly" *I've posted a link to the workout below again. It says 800 m run, but just stick with the 400 meter.  It's really supposed to be 5 rounds, but I only put 4 in the workout programs for this summer.  You choose how many rounds you'd like to go. I don't feel like the guy in the video lands very safe off of the box jumps.  Use soft, loaded knee bends when you land girls. 

400 meter run
30 box jumps 24" box
30 wall ball shots with a 15 lb. ball (medicine ball type)
4 or 5 rounds

video link to "Kelly": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g79fmj6JYlI

Substitutes for box jumps:
You can always scale down the box jumps to less heighth.  Find a park bench, weight bench, bleacher, retaining wall or anything about 1 1/2' to 2' high.
Substitutes for wall ball shots:
Thrusters (squats w/military press) with 10 lb. dumbbells or squat jumps with a block reach

Work Hard!


  1. Hi ladies and coach! This week's Crossfit definitely worked out my legs! I finished 4 rounds in 17:50 using a 18" box and a 15 lb med ball for the wall shots. Hope all of you are doing well. Can't wait to see you in 2 months!

  2. Hey PEOPPPLLLEEEE! (Holly reference)

    I finished "Kelly" in 13 minutes. I did have to substitute on 2 of the 3 exercises though so I added 5 seconds to each round that I had to substitute. Instead of box jumps I did tuck jumps (my gym doesn't have anything to jump on!) and instead of wall ball shots I did medicine ball squats with a double-handed throw about 10 ft in the air (used 10lb ball). So without the adjustments it took me 12:20. I also didn't count the time it took me to walk across the gym to get to the next station since everything was so spread out. I hope the adjustments were acceptable for this challenge! Even if they weren't it was a tough workout.

    Keep pushin ladies!

    1. Okay you guys, I am so sore this morning! That was a killer workout!

  3. Ok...you ladies smoked me on this one. Good job! I did the workout as prescribed:
    4 rounds of:
    400 m run
    24" box jumps x 30 reps
    30 wall ball shots w/a 15 lb. wall
    My time was 23:55
    This was a LEG SLAMMER of a workout!
    Way to work girls....coach Pancho

  4. Hey hey everyone! Im still trying to figure out how to post on a blog... hopefully I do this right. I had to substitute the wall ball shots with squats to a military press and I had to do it all in a gym rotating from treadmill to box to squats haha so Im not sure how accurate my time was but I got 14:48. That 24" box really kills you... I feel good!

  5. Hey guys! Good job to all your really impressive times! I got a 16:22 for this WOD #2 "Kelly". I did it on a track outside with an 18" box and a 18lb ball because I couldn't find a 15lb one. Good Luck with next week's workouts :)!

  6. I did 4 rounds in 30:15 a shameful time compared to all of you. It was difficult running on that treadmill because it takes a solid twenty or 25 seconds to get going to speed which wastes a bunch of time and the treadmill was upstairs on the opposite side of the building from the area where I could do med ball shots and box jumps. Great workout regardless. Good job girls I'm impressed.

  7. Hi everyone!
    I did this workout at my high school track. I didn't have a box or a medicine ball so instead I did 30 crunches, 30 push-ups and 30 squat jumps. I hope that's alright. I was able to do four rounds in 22:53. I hope everyone is doing well!!

  8. I got 15:45! I did this outside on the track and used a bench to do my box jumps, and then I used a 12lb ball and squatted and tossed it up in the air. Nice work everyone :)

  9. Hi guys!

    I did 4 rounds in 14:48. I was unable to take the box or medicine ball out to a track so I decided to run on a treadmill and do the whole workout inside instead.

  10. Hey girls!! I did 4 rounds in 15:25; I ran outside on the track and used the bleachers to do my box jumps. I didn't have a wall, so I just did squats with a med ball! Nice job ladies!! Keep pushing hard!

  11. Hello everybody! Sorry I didn't have access to a computer yesterday. I did 4 rounds in 13:48. I ran on a treadmill and did everything inside.
    Love you all!

  12. Sorry I'm late, our track was closed this weekend for maintenance so I got up this early this morning and did it. I ran on the track and jumped on bleachers for my box jumps. I used a 15 lbs ball for the other exercise. My time was 15:57.

  13. Sorry I'm late. I was able to run on a track and then I used the bleacher stairs and jumped over two steps and counted that as one. For the medicine ball tosses I didn't have a medicine ball so I did the squats to military press using 10 lb weights. I was able to get a time of 14.34

  14. Ok! I'm very late on this due to suffering from a plague of illnesses, but I had a solid 17:39 time on a dirt track, and I had to run an extra or two to get to my 30" box and 15 lb ball. Haha I tell you what though "Kelly" is a B word. Good work ladies!
