Whitworth Volleyball

Whitworth Volleyball

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Crossfit Challenge - WOD #4 "Annie"

Aloha Pirates VB,
This week's WOD is called Annie. It is 5 rounds of double unders and sit-ups (full). The rounds go like this:
Round 1: 50 (50 double unders and 50 sit-ups)
Round 2: 40 *same progression as first round 40:40
Round 3: 30 *continue 30:30
Round 4: 20 *continue 20:20
Round 5: 10  *continue 10:10

I did this WOD today, except I thought it was push-ups instead of sit ups so my shoulders and chest were on fire...not to mention my legs. I also did the workout after doing a running WOD that was run 1 mile rest 3 minutes, run 3/4 mile rest 2 min, run 1/2 mile rest 1 min and finally, run 1/4 mile...DONE. So...if you want another challenge you can throw in some other workout too.

My time for Annie was 11:33 and since you girls are toasting me in the workouts I know you'll get better  than that. My challenge to you is to text, call or Facebook each other to get everybody posting their times. Coach and I wanted to make this competitive, as well as find a way for us to connect with one another throughout the summer. We're in this together and we're stronger together.

Do great on your workouts!
Coach Pancho

Friday, June 21, 2013

WOD #3 Crossfit Challenge

Hello Whitworth Volleyball Team,
This week's challenge is then"Fran" workout. Some of you have already completed Fran today. To recap, it is:
1) thrusters with a 45-95 lb. bar...your choice.
2) pull-ups
3) double unders (jump rope) *I added these in because many of you said you wanted to work on your vertical jump and agility/quickness. "Fran" doesn't involve double unders.
Your reps are 21 for the 1st round, 15 for the second round and 9 for the third round.
Example 1st round: 21 thrusters, 21 pull-ups and 21 double unders
You repeat thebsecond round with 15 reps of eac exercise and so on.

I hope you guys are enjoying the workouts. Coach Bodecker and I get excited to see your posts each week.  We were on campus Thursday, and we are getting excited as we plan for the upcoming season. Keep working hard together.  If you have questions, please send them our way.
Go Pirates!

Friday, June 14, 2013

WOD #2 Crossfit Challenge

Aloha Friday Whitworth Volleyball Team!
Today's workout is called "Kelly"... It is named after crossfit legend and original crossfitter Kelly Moore.
I liked this workout because it was geared towards many of the goals I saw from our Whitworth Volleyball team; agility, quickness, vertical jump...added in a little endurance and power. Have a great workout today girls! Remember, this one is for time. "I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is victory over self." - Aristotle...loved this quote because it truly puts you in the mode to compete. 

"Kelly" *I've posted a link to the workout below again. It says 800 m run, but just stick with the 400 meter.  It's really supposed to be 5 rounds, but I only put 4 in the workout programs for this summer.  You choose how many rounds you'd like to go. I don't feel like the guy in the video lands very safe off of the box jumps.  Use soft, loaded knee bends when you land girls. 

400 meter run
30 box jumps 24" box
30 wall ball shots with a 15 lb. ball (medicine ball type)
4 or 5 rounds

video link to "Kelly": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g79fmj6JYlI

Substitutes for box jumps:
You can always scale down the box jumps to less heighth.  Find a park bench, weight bench, bleacher, retaining wall or anything about 1 1/2' to 2' high.
Substitutes for wall ball shots:
Thrusters (squats w/military press) with 10 lb. dumbbells or squat jumps with a block reach

Work Hard!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

WOD #1 Crossfit Challenge

WOD #1 Crossfit Challenge:
Ok girls, I did this workout this morning. I figured I better lead the way since I didn't see any posts.  I completed 15 rounds in 20 minutes.  My best is 17 rounds, which makes me feel a little inadequate because the top 50 women in the Crossfit world don't finish below 20 rounds!  So go get em!

I've posted two links.  One is a video of the "Cindy" workout, which is WOD #1.  The other is of pull-ups with a band to help with modification if you need it.  I know pull-ups can be tough, so use a band if you'd like to get started.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDmEgflWl34 - link to "Cindy" workout

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8Hg-rCJwDY - link to band assisted pull-ups; instead of putting your knee in you can also put your foot or feet in the band.  Use whichever one you like best.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

A'ohe hana nui ka alu'ia

Aloha Whitworth Volleyball Family!  The above post means "No task is too big when done together."  The purpose of this blog is to create a place where all of us can communicate throughout the summer months and beyond with one another.  Coach Bodecker and myself hope that you will post your daily workouts here; especially, your Friday Crossfit Challenges.  We'd like to know how you're doing, feeling and want you all to be a part of each other's successes when training. We think this blog will serve that purpose. We have also worked hard to make sure your workouts are geared to meet your goals that you wrote down before summer break. 

I know we're all in different parts of the country right now, but let's work hard TOGETHER to be the best we can be, so when we meet up again in August, we're ready to hit the ground running. Blogging is new to me, so please be patient.  If myself or Coach Bodecker can be of any help to you this summer please don't hesitate to contact us.  Work hard girls! - Coach Pancho