Whitworth Volleyball

Whitworth Volleyball

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Crossfit Challenge Week 6 - WOD #2

Hello Ladies!
First, I want to apologize for getting the Crossfit Challenge wrong last week.  I believe Briu posted a a comment saying we should have been doing WOD #1 again.  She was right.  My goal for you girls was to try and beat your first WOD results using the same workouts another time through. As long as we were all getting after it and doing a WOD then that's the goal. 

That being said, this week should have been WOD #2..."Kelly".  It is 4 rounds of:
1) 400 meter run
2) 30 box jumps
3) 30 wall ball shots
*This one is for time.

Again, the goal is for you to beat the time you got on this from June.  Next week will be WOD #3 and then WOD #4.  We'll find time to get in Annie, which was WOD #1, so you can try for more rounds.
Sorry for the mix up, and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me through our blog.

Forget mistakes, forget failures, forget everything, except what you're going to do and do it. Today is your lucky day. - Will Durant

Win The Day! - Go Pirates!
Coach Pancho


  1. I apologize for correcting you on that Coach Pancho! Both workouts last week kicked me in the pants, they were great.

    This week's did too. I don't want to make excuses but I wasn't feeling the greatest yesterday morning when I did this, so I feel like I could have gotten a better time. And I timed myself more like everyone else did 4 weeks ago so it's more realistic (sickness aside). My time was 16:44. For some reason I felt like this second time doing it was so much harder than the first!

    I hope everyone is surviving the heat and drinking tons of water! Katie and Anna, don't have too much fun in Hawaii with Wit...fun is bad for you. Love and miss all of you!

  2. No need to apologize Briu. I'm glad you corrected me and got us back on track.
    My time today was 22:54. I did:
    4 rounds of:
    400 meter run
    24" box jumps x 30 reps
    30 wall ball shots with a 15 lb. med ball.

    Briu is right. "Kelly" is one of the toughest WODs we do. Great for getting ready for the upcoming season.

    Have a great rest of your weekend girls!
    Coach Pancho

  3. I was wondering about all of this! I ended up doing the first WOD Friday because I thought we would be restarting it this next week! So for the first WOD I got 26 rounds which was actually less than my first time. However, this time I did assisted pull-ups with the band instead of the machine which made them so much harder!
    Great job though with the hard work! And Briu your time is still amazing even when you weren't feeling good!!

  4. I am leaving for a cruise early tomorrow and wont have internet access for a week... so next week i will be posting my scores for this week and next week. The reason for this is because i got my wisdom teeth out this week and i cant run or do anything too active until the 17th! My mouth is still pretty swollen! Hope everyone is having great workouts and I promise I will get my scores to you in about a week! Thanks, Brenna

  5. Hey guys I did it in 24:07 this week. This kicks my butt every time. I hate this and love it at the same time.

  6. Hey guys! For this week's Kelly WOD I got a 13:31! I used an indoor track, an 18" box for my box jumps and a 18lb ball for the wall ball shots. In the middle of this I was remembering how hard this workout was for me the first time.. but I got through it fine!
    Miss you guys and can't wait till August!

  7. This week I got 16:50 for the challenge. I only had access to an 8lb ball so I did 40 wall ball shots each time to make up for it!!

  8. Hey guys!
    This week I got 12:50 on the Kelly WOD. I am not sure whether or not doing this the second time around was any easier because it was just as tough as I remembered!

  9. Hi everybody! My time was 11:33 for the Kelly WOD. This one is one of my favorites because it is all about powering through all the hurt and just to keep going.
    Can't wait until I can be with all you again!
