Whitworth Volleyball

Whitworth Volleyball

Monday, August 12, 2013

Final WOD Challenge!

This is the final WOD before per-season girls! It's a tough one too.  First, I want to say that I did not post last week due to some computer malfunctions. Now, they're up and running. This WOD was not correct on your workout sheets. I don't think all of the exercises got put in. If you did 500 reps of the two exercises that were posted good job. Or...if you did 500 reps of anything...good job. Here is the real Hero WOD that was supposed to be put in.
"500 Reps"
50 reps - 24" box jump or whatever you have
50 reps - wall ball shots 20 lb. ball or whatever size med ball you have
50 reps - walking lunges each step counts as one
50 reps - jumping pull- ups
50 reps - double unders
50 reps - Burpees
50 reps - back extensions
50 reps - kettle bell or dumbbell swing 35 lbs. or whatever weight you can use...adjust if needed.
50 reps - sit-ups
50 reps - push-presses with a 45 lb. bar

My time was 38:15, which was a PR for me. This is one of the toughest workouts, but always feels good to accomplish finishing it.

That is/was the full workout, but please post what you did. My computer hang- ups kept me from posting on time.  Coach and I are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow! We are excited for the 2013 season to begin.

Coach Pancho

Friday, August 2, 2013

Crossfit Challenge - Endurance WOD

Hello Whitworth Volleyball,
This week's WOD is an endurance WOD.  It's the one I mistakenly did a few weeks ago as WOD #5.  It goes like this.

Run 1 mile - rest 3 minutes
Run 3/4 mile - rest 2 minutes
Run 1/2 mile - rest 1 minute
Run 1/4 mile - DONE!

Each phase is for time.  I do suggest taking 3 minutes rest on the first phase; eventhough, I'm not always patient enough to wait.  The next lap into the 3/4 mile phase tells me I should have. Do your best!  This WOD in my opinion is just for you to see what you can get out of the tank so to speak.  Just keep pushing through this one.  It's always a tough one for me, but I feel extremely accomplished when done.

Have an awesome weekend ladies!
Coach Pancho